
Definitely Not Normal

I sit looking out my home office window at the landscaped lawn of my neighbor, the inflatable grinning pumpkin looking at me as if to say, "Everything is Normal".  But, I know it isn't. Trick or Treating and the neighborhood party will go as planned this year, and kids will get too much candy to possibly eat, but there is an undercurrent of Definitely Not Normal. We all know that Covid changed our lives in ways from which we can never recover.  We cannot bring back those who died from the disease, attend weddings that had no receptions, baptisms with no witnesses, and funerals that happened virtually.  We can't undo. The funny thing is, there is so much more that changed over the last year that should be unrelated to the disease but that changed us and our country in profound ways nonetheless.  Our country experienced a seismic shift towards communism, was split into two ideologically, what was right is now wrong and what was wrong is now right.  How did a pandemic ca